Join Us On Sundays At 10:00AM.

555 E. Fifth Street

Lexington KY, 40508


Where Do I Park And Enter?

Rhythm Church meets at William Wells Brown Elementary School. This beautiful facility offers plenty of parking. The optimal parking will be on the community center side located behind the school. If that lot fills up, no worries! The front of the school is available for parking as well.

What Should I Expect?

Rhythm Church services will start with modern Christian music that is designed to lead people in unity with one another and in awe of God. Following the music, there will be a time of practical preaching from the Bible.

What Do I Wear?

Rhythm Church cares far more about what’s inside than what’s outside. Our attendees dress in whatever they feel comfortable wearing that day. Come as you want to! We’re confident that you’ll fit in no matter how you dress.

Will I Be Called On?

We want you to feel welcome at Rhythm Church. But you’ll never be asked to stand up, identify yourself or do anything else that might make you feel uncomfortable. 

Do I Need To Pre-Register My Child?

Pre-registering your child with the Church Center app makes your first visit simpler. Should you forget, no worries, our amazing team will help you when you arrive. In addition, our facilities and state-of-the-art age-specific equipment, toys and curriculum will make your child’s experience both fun and exciting.