Publicly Sharing Your Faith In Jesus!

Baptism is a unique opportunity to tell others about your faith in Jesus. Through baptisms, you get to share your story of how following Jesus has made your life better. We’d love to help you experience baptism for yourself and allow God to use your faith story to impact other people.


What is baptism?

Jesus was baptized. Baptism is a way to go public with your faith to show others that you have started a personal relationship with Jesus.

Baptism is not necessary for salvation. It symbolizes the new life you began when you started following Jesus. It symbolizes your old life dying (going under the water) and your new life (coming out of the water)

What's the process to get baptized?

What about infant baptism?

Some churches choose to christen or baptize infants. While we recognize the right of other churches to practice infant baptism, we understand Scripture to teach that only people who have made the decision to follow Jesus should be baptized. Baptism does not make you a Christian. It shows that you already are one.

At Rhythm Church we provide opportunities for child dedication and believer’s baptism.